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Combi-Therm Consumer

Om os

Combi-Therm Consumer er en danskproducerende virksomhed af termo- og forsendelsesposer. Vores produkter er enten biobaseret eller lavet af 80% genbrugsplast. Vi er markedsledende indenfor miljørigtige plastfolier med positivt co2 aftryk.

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Om os

Et, pretium laoreet nullam est. Maecenas hendrerit scelerisque velit volutpat arcu eu. Pellentesque eget aliquet.

Termoposer fremstillet af miljøvenlige materialer

Combi-Therm Consumer A/S er et dansk selskab med rødder tilbage til 1979. En pioner indenfor udvikling og fremstilling af 3-lags thermoposer.

Combi-Therm Consumer A/S har produceret  thermoposer siden 1979. I 2003 erhverves den danske thermoposeproducent Cot-Products ApS, og al fabrikation af thermoposer blev samlet og foregår nu på vores nuværende lokation i Randers, Danmark.  
I år 2017 blev Combi-Therm Consumer A/S oprettet som et selvstændigt firma – ved en spaltning af firmaet Combi-Therm A/S. Selskaberne er 100 % danskejet og har haft samme ejer siden 1995.

Vi er markedsledende indenfor branchen, hvad angår anvendelse af nye miljørigtige plastfolier. Vi arbejder med folier, der kan leveres med et stort regeneratindhold – og er i stand til, med vores egne udviklede håndtag, at kunne levere en thermopose med en regenerat-andel der er unik for branchen.
Vi opererer internationalt – med eksportomsætning på mere end
90 %,  Vi har en sund økonomi, er velkonsolideret, har et effektivt produktionsapparat, og  råder over bygningsfaciliteter på 2.000 m². Er professionelt ledet og har engagerede medarbejder.

Udvikling, kontinuitet og tryghed for vores kunder er absolut nøgleord for os.
Combi-Therm Consumer

Salgs og leveringsbetingelser

Sales and Delivery Terms
All orders are carried out based upon the following sales- and delivery terms which are subject to the conventional strike- and lockout proviso.
All quotations are without any obligation after 8 days, and if bigger or smaller quantities than quoted for are ordered, we reserve the right to change prices and delivery times.
All orders are without any obligations until con rmed in writing by us. In case of orders with special instructions these must be given together with the order and they are without any obliga- tion until confirmed by us in writing.
In the absence of other instruction in the order then the dis- patch will be affected without any responsibility on our part as to delay on transport, shortage and damage.
Time Of Delivery
The time of delivery is estimated by us, and we undertake no responsibility for delayed delivery. In all cases where the buyer has stipulated xed time of deliv- ery we are not responsible for delayed delivery or non-delivery as a consequence of strike, lockout, suspension of working or other cases of force majeure with suppliers or sub-suppliers. Furthermore we reserve the right to extend the time of delivery if supplies of raw products, materials etc. are rendered dif cult, or if other unforeseen circumstances preventing us from effect- ing delivery in time should occur. The abovementioned circum- stances do not justify the buyer to cancel the purchase.
Weights and Quantities
All weights and quantities are approximate, and we reserve the right of limits of +/- 10%.
Replacements are allowed in case of complaints received in due time and acknowledged by us. Expenses covering lost work etc. will not be reimbursed. Complaints of the invoice or entries of same must be sent in writing to us before 8 days after receipt of the invoice.

Complaints, Guarantee
It is the buyers’ responsibility to immediately inspect the goods upon receipt. Complaints must be forwarded in writing within 8 days from the date of the receipt of the goods. It is the buy- ers’ responsibility to ensure that the delivered goods are in correspondence with the quality bought. No guarantee can be given that the goods delivered are suitable for the buyers’ purpose. No complaints or claims will be accepted when the sellers’ product has been further processed by buyer, buyers’ representative and/or is part of the buyers’ purpose. By any complaints – in the case of commission-work – the claim can never exceed the total value of commission-work. Loss of pro ts or other indirect losses is none of sellers con- cern. Sellers’ liability can not exceed DKK 5 Mio.
Cancellations or Alterations
Alteration of order or speci cation can not be accepted unless not too far in the process of production. Cancellation of orders can only be accepted if acknowledged in writing by us. For all orders not speci ed in time estimated by us, we reserve the right to cancel items not speci ed and to have reimbursed from the customer losses arisen from the cancellation.
These conditions shall be governed and construed in accord- ance with Danish law and shall be subject to exclusive jurisdic- tion of Danish court, and all disputes are to be settled accord- ing to Danish law.

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Få en løsning der passer dit behov

Vi hjælper alle typer af virksomheder med, at sikre kølekæden. Om det er onlinedistribution af fødevarer, medicinalindustrien eller retail, så har vi en løsning, der passer netop jeres behov.


Cirkulær økonomi